Thursday, March 22, 2012


That first date... that first call... that first kiss...

Anticipation of the event is what makes it so exciting- that butterflies-in-your-tummy excited.  As a kid, anticipation of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny would cause sleepless nights.  As I entered my teen years it was the anticipation of seeing that boy, anxiously waiting for him to notice me. 

As I met and dated Mark, the anticipation of the proposal would cause me to stop eating (at times altogether- but that is another story for another time), and  actually almost pass out on some occasions (anxiety disorder diagnosed much later in life, you see)...

Then, as a newly-wed, anticipation of buying our first home and, for us (we did a few things unconventionally,) graduating from college was a HUGE anticipation. 

Becoming parents was anticipated... and then all of those first events:  the first smile, the first laugh, the first step, the first tooth... all kinds of firsts... all anticipated, and all causing some visceral reaction - anxiety, hope, worry, love, protectiveness, excitement...

Now, it is with great anticipation that I enter into a new relationship with my husband... healing from past hurts... moving forward together.  This time, though, we are both experiencing our relationship openly walking in faith with God. This time, both of us seek the greatness of God's intention for marriage.
It is intended to be something great... marriage, that is...  it is intended as a gift.  Notice I didn't say easy or happy- all- the- time.  However, God intended marriage to be great.  It is with Him that it is able to be great (again, not ever easy, not always happy).

Most people will disagree, but  marriage really is intended as a three way relationship (hold on, there... not three people, but two people and one GOD).  It is also intended to last forever.  For real, no matter how impossible this may seem, it is one man, one woman, for ever.   I think the reason so many marriages don't last forever is that God isn't a part of the relationship.  I know this, because just two months ago, my marriage was ending.  I was sure of it, in fact.  I knew that I could not continue to live in a one-sided relationship.   Then an amazing thing a moment of desolation, after the realization that he could no longer do it (life, cope, heal, live) on his own, Mark accepted the truth of God, and Jesus dying for him. 

A new relationship began.

Two relationships actually, one between Mark and God... and one between Mark and me.

And it changes everything. 

Anticipate... hope... believe... love... live... laugh... pray...

So, pray for us, please, as we anticipate "A Weekend to Remember" - which  is three days of faith and marriage workshops... and anticipate that God promises to finish the great work He began... in me... in us... and in you.

picture from google faith images

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