Saturday, August 13, 2011

what's going on...

It's not even back-to-school time yet, but already we are getting into "fall" mode.  Dance started again this week for the girly-goos and me, so we are dancing Monday through Thursday.  I'm actually very OK with this because everyone is getting tired of "having nothing to do" - which is a joke, because there is always something to do, and if you can't find it, I will- although, my threats don't always work, even when I follow through, which tells me learning has not occurred... which is a whole other story... anyway...

I've discovered something about myself:  I have flight of ideas, especially in Michael's.  Does this happen to anyone else?  The store is having an amazing clearance right now, and I'm so tempted to buy stuff!  I have four bins and three shelves FULL of craft stuff.  I do NOT need to buy ANYthing.  but.... all the stuff is so pretty, and fresh, and my creative juices (which become dormant the moment I walk through my front door) begin to flow... if only...

Tommy did a fencing (sword skills- not fence building) camp last week!  I am so excited for him, because he was really excited about going and participating.  This is huge because Tommy loves to talk about doing lots of things but is very apprehensive (read: NOT HAPPENING) about actually following through and executing his grand plans.  He did it, though, and wants to continue to learn and do!  So, fencing my be added to the repertoire of our activities... hoping the instructor begins classes closer to home (my home, that is)!

Mark is doing endurance events.  I'm glad he has found something, too.  While running through mud and under live electric wires is not my thing, I've got to say, it's pretty cool for him!  There's this song by the Goo-Goo Dolls (sigh...Johnny) that has a line that goes, "you bleed just to know you're alive..."  yup- that's Mark.

So, that is the update on all of us this week... At least, activity-wise.  I'm really wanting to do that writing thing, so I'm trying to be good about posting.  It's good work; good for me; good for my soul.  That, and praying.  A lot.  Not just for me, but I have so many friends who are burdened... jobs, sickness, hearts, lost, broken.  It's tough stuff.  It's nice to know that I am not in control, here.  I love control... a bit of a control freak, I am, but it's all an illusion, my friends.

Romans 8:28:   And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose...

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Still…. I realize

Once again, I am looking to the hills, where my Help comes from, the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I desperately am reminding myself ...