Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon

(from Regal Cinema web site)

NEW MOON was sosooooo good. I had a totally fun time staying out late! It was very, very fun to just sit and watch Twilight on the big movie screen, have it fresh in my mind, and then to sit and watch New Moon. I really, really (REALLY) think the actors did a great job! And even though movie popcorn has something like 60 grams of saturated fat, I enjoyed that, too! Extra butter, of course! It is fascinating to see how some fans are just sooo crazy (not me, for sure)! I did wear an Edward Cullen t-shirt. I did not dress up as Jane, though, or Alice, or Victoria for that matter. The team-Jacob crowd was pretty rowdy... but there were plenty of sighs for Edward, as well!

I am contemplating not participating in The Nutcracker performance next year, due to poor nutrition (we eat out too much because of crazy dance schedules), exposure to swine flu (I witnessed several children pressing their noses against the windows, doors and mirrors), and lack of general mental well being (probably related to toxin build-up from over application of hand sanitizer gel, and anti-bacterial wipes). We are officially insane until the 12th of December!

I have learned that children do not need blue gatorade. Blue gatorade will make them evil, and make them laugh uncontrollably for approximately 2.25 hours. Straight, I'm not even kidding. Even if blue gatorade is only a dollar and your child begs for it, I urge you to resist on grounds of preventing a felony. This is my public service announcement for the day!

Pray, please, for safe and happy Thanksgiving and travels. One of my best friends is travelling, one's mom is in the hospital (at press time) getting tests, and one is moving into a new house. I will be praying for health, speedy recoveries, good news, peaceful packing, and safe travels.

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Still…. I realize

Once again, I am looking to the hills, where my Help comes from, the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I desperately am reminding myself ...