Friday, June 5, 2009

My G-ma ( grandma is 85, yet remains hip with very few grey hairs) sent me an e-mail this morning. It has one of my favorite scriptures: "Be still and know that I am God". Does anyone else find this to be incredibly challenging? Not the God part, but the still part. I feel rather manic these days, and being still, even in prayer, is incredibly hard for me. I feel the need to do this, and to go sit on a beach, hear the waves, feel the wind, and be still so I can renew myself with Him. For me, that would be one of the most powerful places to know and feel God, His magnificience, His power, the beauty of his creation. I could be still at the beach. I need, though, to reflect and meditate... to be still, here.

Here, not so still. Recitals are coming up, end of Kindergarten (and public school for a while) is occurring , good-bye parties are scheduled, and testing (home school test, allergy tests, ADHD tests) is happening and being scheduled. OK... maybe I need the ADHD test... (: Anyway, A LOT is going on. People are coming to my house, which I am obsessed with keeping clean. We have all these critters living here (not referring to the children, but to the turtles, bird, chinchilla and guinea pig), and they need attention. See? See how hard it is to be still?

I think this verse is one of my favorites, because it is a challenge. God challenges us to this. Even Jesus went to be still, and alone, I might add, to pray and know God. This is amazing to me! My human (mommy) brain tries to wrap itself around this one... and to try and teach it to my children. With autism, ADHD, etc., it is a hard thing to teach -the most important thing for me to impart to all my children, yes-- but still one of the most challenging!! Am I up to it? YES!!!
Hopefully, you are feeling motivated. I am. Thanks for reading my blog!

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Still…. I realize

Once again, I am looking to the hills, where my Help comes from, the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I desperately am reminding myself ...