Friday, February 24, 2012

I think I can, I think I can,

I've been saying for a few weeks now, when people ask how Mark and I are doing, that we have a "working relationship" - indeed, we are both working on it.  We are both committed to trying to make the marriage work.  So, what have I been doing with myself?  TONS of reading, that's what!

I'm reading a book about how sacred marriage is, and how it was always intended for God to be a part of that relationship.  I feel like I knew this, but reading about it only makes things more clear.  Putting God first, always, and coming to Him in prayer is essential for marriages to work, and be satisfying.   The hard part is that Mark and I only have said prayers together a few times, so it is a little bit awkward.  I don't know, prayers have mostly been a private thing for me.  A constant thing, yes, but always in my head, rarely out loud, and maybe only a few times with Mark.  So, we are working on it.

Another book that I have read is about how pornography destroys people, and relationships.  Actually, I'm reading a few books about this.  It is bad, bad stuff.  It totally obliterates the way God intended intimacy to be.  In fact, pornography is the opposite of intimacy.  It is the opposite of respect.  It is the opposite of purity.  It is an addiction for most people that view it.  It is insidious and it will affect more relationships in negative ways than you or I could ever imagine.  It leads people, good people, down very dark paths, eventually.   Whatever is pure and noble and true... we are to think on these things... for sure, this does NOT include the "adult entertainment" industry. 

So- there is my soap-box moment.  I won't apologize for it.

On to brighter things:  Mark TOTALLY surprised me by organizing a night away from the house, arranged child care (thanks, Lisa!), and got us tickets to CASTING CROWNS (who don't even know how to make a bad song. Period.)!!!!  EVERY song was awesome, the performance was awesome. Matthew West, Royal Tailor, and Lindsay McCall were awesome, and the church, and fellowship was AWESOME!!  It was very fun! And inspiring! And uplifting! and... we had a good time, of course.

Prayers to my family in North Dakota/ Minnesota... my cousin passed away this week due to multiple myeloma.  Life is so very short, here on Earth.  He is no longer suffering, Praise God.  Please lift up his family this week, as he is already very missed. Prayers, of course, for all those struggling with pain, addiction, family issues, and faith.  May our great God wrap His loving arms around you and fill you with the Holy Spirit, and guide you toward health and healing.

dance news:
We are settling in at the new studio!  It is a great studio, with great teachers and choreographers.  Most of the people are friendly and helpful.  The teaching style and technique lessons are intense. The emphasis is on ballet, which is fantastic. 

...and because thinking about our new studio reminds me of all the recent changes we've been going through...

A wise friend told me today that "nothing stays the same- the good and the bad- it will always change at some point."  I liked that.  It is so true! Another wise friend also said something very significant: "do not shed a tear for someone who would not shed a tear for you".  Another good one.  I love my girlfriends.  They are my sanity lately.  Every single one of them has meant so very much to me... especially these last few months.  I have felt acute pain and sadness, and these faithful friends have stood firm with me, and I could never, ever take that for granted.

The kiddles...

The children have all been doing well.  Anxieties and behaviors are back down to a tolerable level... or at least we are all managing them better...  I'm sure the mother-of-the-year award will not be mine this year... but love and patience and love and patience... and love and more love are holding us all together!  School is going well for all three of them:)

That kind of sums it up for the past few weeks... sorry there hasn't been more frequent posts... transition and change and new routines make me sleepy, but it is getting better, so that's good, yes?... YES!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


“A man’s wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.” Proverbs 19:11 (NIV)

Ephesians 4:26-27, “In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” (NIV 1984)

Powerful reminders are always good to hear (or to read)...

So, the good news is that God delights in us and offers us these words of wisdom.

The not-so-easy-to-hear news is that we are HUMAN... I am human, and lately I've been struggling with anger and grudges.  I'm neither an angry person, nor a grudge-holder.  I am, though, human.  It's not always easy to do or say the right thing.  It is, though, good to do the right thing or say the right thing (or say nothing at all).  So, I will keep trying and keep praying, and keep thanking God that He sent us Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

So, I had my birthday, and I had fun!  NYC was awesome, and I got Harry's autograph (swoon)!  My beautiful girlfriends all wished me to have a fabulous year.  My kids and my parents made a great dinner for me and showered me with gifts.  My husband got me a pink Northface jacket (and it is super cool).  I know that I am truly blessed, and I feel truly loved, and I only hope I get to be a blessing to others as they have been for me.  I have to admit that I know some of the most amazing people on the planet!

Harry with his security detail, there...

dinner with my fabulous Stafford ladies- Eileen took the picture... aren't they beautiful?

Me and Eileen at dinner in NYC

Harry signing my playbill!

Still…. I realize

Once again, I am looking to the hills, where my Help comes from, the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I desperately am reminding myself ...