Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy (late) Memorial Day


I really, really appreciate and honor the people who make it possible to live life free, and I remember the people who have died or who have been injured in order to defend my freedom.

It's a hectic pace, here.

I know it's self inflicted, so I won't even complain about it, just to mention, though, it is the final week before recital week.  Three of us dance and tend to lean toward the dramatic side of things, so, with that in mind, pray for smooth going... please!

Changes continue, too, so please join me in praying for wisdom and clarity and peace... for those of us (all) who are transitioning and really, really trying to make a good difference:)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

last tap competition!

We got to see Julian!!! YEA!!!

happenings and bubbles

Hiya!!!! Hey people... there has been so much going on, that I have neglected to write, which makes me feel bad.  I just enjoy writing and trying to keep my blog updated!!!  So, here is a very un-poetic look at what has been going on at Schroeder Haus:

Danielle learned to blow bubbles.  It's very exciting, except when she blows the gum out of her mouth onto my shirt as she is demonstrating her latest, greatest bubble.  She also has had her last tap competition for the season, which required several late night sewing sprees because a new tutu was involved.  It all worked out well and it seems like they scored a high gold, but got the platinum trophy- so we will just go with that, thank you very much.

So, I've been sewing, obviously... hand sewing.  Apparently, our sewing machine HATES satin and tulle together in one place.  I've also finished testing the kids on their home school curriculum for the year.  In other words, we are done, on an early  summer break (but I still make them do math and read every day).  This has all been necessitated by me getting a NEW job!

Oh, yes... I am working OUTSIDE the house.  It'll be a weekend shift (every weekend, 12 hours, each day).  RN case manager is the official title (I get to start signing my name, RN again... so weird). I'm having a very positive attitude about it because change is good, plus everyone keeps telling me I look so much better- which means, of course, I obviously was looking un-happy or "flat" about the way things were going.  I do feel good.  It is a BIG change, though, for everyone at my house... not just me. So... Pray for us, please.

Katie has been working on her fabulous jumps, aerials, flips, etc. This child is something else... She is crazy busy, wild, dramatic... Definitely, she is my snuggler, lover girl.  She is definitely my sweet heart that keeps me on my toes.

Tom-Tom is adjusting to all the change very well. I can only imagine how his brain is working around all this stuff that is going on and changing in his world.  He tells me he is ok, happy, fine. The chatter remains the same, though... groundhogs, Harley-Davidsons, swords, ninjas.   You know, same old, same old.  Consistency for Tommy is great!

We have six (6) (sies) (sechs) (VI) new appliances... sump pump, water heater, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer.  They are all beautiful!  Just a note, I accepted my new job PRIOR to our flood.  God's timing, though, is awesome.  A little extra income will pay for a little extra expenses...

So, dance season ends officially on June 11th when we will give our year end recital.  The three of us girls are dancing a total of 14 dances? Can that be right?  Yep, I think so... we are crazy dancers.  Lots of estrogen, here.  Lots of glitter, and sparkles, and bling, and bam!

Motorcycles are also occurring at our house... lots of motorcycle riding, looking, wanting.  It's fun.  I think a Harley would be way cool, but I think Mark is into SPEED and adrenalin... so, Ninjas are a bit cooler in that aspect.

While change is not always the most fun thing to happen, my friend's dad said: "insanity is doing the same thing all the time, expecting different results."  It was put on my heart to make a change (not necessarily in a conventional method), and hopefully, I'm listening to the still, quiet voice of GOD, and doing what I'm supposed to do. I pray for wisdom and peace for me, and for you, and for all the people who need that.  I pray for my friends and family that don't know God's peace that they come to know it, because, honestly... it just makes life that much better knowing...

Changes and such

It Isn’t Supposed To Be This Hard

  Ever feel like it’s one crisis after another… after another… and on it goes? Someone is always having an issue, or is behaving as if the w...