Saturday, August 8, 2009

power on

My husband found this picture for me... He thinks it is funny, and true about me. We do tend to be more conservative and traditional, and it kind makes us a little rebellious in today's society. I had to put it on my blog. 'M' and I are committed to our values, and our kid's education, together, in a very good way. Planning for the new school season is still a bit slow, but coming along.

We are having one of those weeks where all of our plans are just not working out the way I've planned them! Get togethers have been cancelled last minute, evenings out are taking longer than expected, and the pool -pump (today) is broken! We (the kids and I) walked all the way to the community pool, only to be turned around by a defective pump... no warnings, just closed until further notice. I feel like closing until further notice, too, now! It is one thing to have something go wrong here or there, but when everything seems to be going wrong at once (and since Thursday), it is (very) hard to stay positive. I'm having a hard time being a good example and saying, "oh, it is no big deal... so what if the humidity is 90%, and the walk is all up hill? So what? We have each other... We got some fresh air and exercise... no big deal... just roll with it!" -- I feel like the exact opposite, and quite despairing... I know it's just the pool; but it feels like a huge disappointment! I know I need to be that good example (and I was), but now, I'm just going to let it fly: I'm mad! And sad!

OK... so that helps a little...

So, life will go on, the pool pump will get fixed (hopefully before it starts raining), and we will drive back up the hill... It'll be OK. It's not like anyone is sick, or in the hospital. Our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan don't even have pool to cool off in, and it's like 120 degrees there, now. I need to change my perspective a little (: -- Why is it sometimes, that the little things are what bring you down? It seems like when we have a mission to get through, coping skills are much better and attitudes persevere, but when a little thing goes wrong and plans need to change, we fall apart.

It is funny (funny-interesting-not funny like ha-ha) that for years I have been able to cope with situations that are extremely challenging, but in the past two months, I have been plagued with minor difficulties that have made me feel far less capable in the coping strategy/skills area. When the crises happens, I do OK, when plans have to change abruptly, I fall apart. What is that? I'm praying about it... I'm really trying to listen to my body, my mind, and my heart.

On other fronts, my son has started his second season of golf with the Special Olympics... It is fun. He really likes to drive the ball. Even when he is putting, he puts a lot of "drive" into the ball. Very cool for him, and he seems to enjoy it. The girls are still busy with dance... all of us girls! My class is doing a routine to Bella's Lullaby from the Twilight soundtrack. I love that! The girls are dancing to Hannah Montanna in tap. They love that, too!

We are looking forward to visiting my sweet, wise Grandma (G-ma) next week! She is 85 years old. Even though we hear the same stories when we visit, I cherish them, knowing that one day sooner, rather than later, I won't be hearing them anymore. I love my g-ma so much! And she is sooooo wise! We are also looking forward to my youngest turning 6. The party is tomorrow, and she is so excited! My parents and a few of our best friends will be there to celebrate with us. It's so hard to believe that my youngest is going to be 6!

1 comment:

  1. I understand what you mean...I've been finding myself getting bummed out rather easily lately when things aren't going according to "plan." I am a girl who likes order and it seems everything has been anything but orderly lately. Your, "Closed until further notice" thought resonated!! Sounds good to me...but isn't really an option. I'll keep taking one step in front of the other and let you know if I have an epiphany - let me know if you come up with any! Maybe it's just this heat/humidity!! ;)


Still…. I realize

Once again, I am looking to the hills, where my Help comes from, the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. I desperately am reminding myself ...