Well, it's been about a week, a little more, actually. We have a brand-new, sparkly, shiny water heater. We also have a brand-new, solid, 1/2 a horsepower sump pump. Along with a new sump pump comes a large puddle in the back yard (or a small lake). My turtles, I think, would find it very lovely, I'm sure except for the large hawk population. And, thank goodness, I don't have a labrodor or other water loving dog, because he would be a mess. So... we also have brand-new, pretty appliances named washer and dryer. They are so lovely, and their noises are much more pleasant than what we were used to. Today, we are probably adding a refridgerator and dishwasher to our growing new appliance list. When it rains, it pours. Everything happens at once. These things always happen in threes (or sixes or nines). I could find more quotes, I'm sure, but I know you get the picture.
Last week, therefore, was an abbreviated school week for us. We did horticulture (gardening) and home economics (shopping, cleaning, more cleaning). We did finish the end-of-year tests, as well. That just takes the pressure off, because aside from math for Tommy, it looks like everyone did ok (big sigh of relief, whew, etc...). This week (wooohooo) is Spring Break! Yesterday was warm enough for the sprinklers to be turned on. Mark and I went out on a date night (nice...) Motorcycle riding occurred. Today the girls are going rollar skating. We had a lovely Easter celebration with friends and family. So, in all the chaos, we were able to appreciate some quieter (less expensive) moments and enjoy the uniqueness that is our family (which, let me tell you, is unique if nothing else...).
Prayers for all those who have had hardships lately... financial, spiritual, marrital, occupational... it doesn't matter, because I know that as diligent as I have prayed for others, there are others diligently praying for me. I know who some of you are (and I love you!), and some of you may know I'm praying for you... AND it's nice to know that we are impacting other people's lives in ways that they aren't even aware of, just by praying! It is so comforting, and so simple to just pray.
I will close with a Tommyism: (he looked sad, I asked him if he was OK) "I'm fine, really, I'm kind of like a chimp, we have similar DNA, I only smile if I have to and it doesn't mean I'm happy"
Profound, and articulate, and somewhat beautiful in a very Tommy Way.